Singhadurbar Badalne Sangharsha


देशहितमा काम गर्न आँट्ने हो भने एउटा मन्त्रीले कति अडान राख्न सक्नुपर्छ भन्ने उदाहरण हुन् लालबाबु पण्डित । सत्ता र शक्तिसामु नतमस्तक नहुने उनको सम्झौताहीन स्वभाव भने राजनीतिक सङ्घर्षले खारेको हो ।

पूर्वी तराईको अल्पसंख्यक समुदायका यी स्वप्नजीवीको जीवन आफैंमा चाखलाग्दो छ । एमालेका लोकप्रिय नेता मदन भण्डारीसँगै भूमिगत रहेर संगठनमा समर्पित पण्डितको पढाइ र पारिवारिक जीवन पनि कथापूर्ण छ ।

राजनीतिक जीवन सत्ताको चरित्र बदल्ने सङ्घर्षको यात्रा हो भन्ने एउटा प्रमाण हो उनको यो आत्मकथा ।



Pandit’s book tells the story of a man, who used his political career to change the very character of the power he possessed. The autobiography sheds light on a political leader, who showed tremendous hope and aspiration amidst utter political chaos. The book starts with Pandit receiving a call from the Party Chairman informing him on being nominated for a ministerial post, while he was commuting in a public bus in Kathmandu’s Ringroad, and ends with him leaving the government quarters back to his rented apartment, as stated in the statement.

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